Sambucol: Meaning, Uses, Side Effects, and More!
Sambucol is a dark purple berry from a European or Black elder tree. It is also known as “Black Elderberry.” It is one of the most effective and commonly used medicinal plants. People use it as a supplement to treat cold and flu.
Elderberry also improves the immune system and fights viruses. It’s famous for helping individuals with high cholesterol and many other conditions. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these uses. It’s important to note that the raw berries, leaves, and bark are poisonous. It’s recommended to consume these berries under medical supervision.
What is Sambucol (Elderberry)?
Sambucol is a purple-coloured berry from a European or Black Elder tree. In ancient times, people used this to treat rheumatism and fever. The ancient Egyptians used this herbal ingredient to heal burns and improve their complexion. This medicine is available in a variety of formats. It includes capsules, liquids, chewy tablets, gummies, and pastilles.
Elderberries taste sour and sharp, and they need to be cooked before being eaten. However, the flowers of these berries have a sweet fragrance and can be eaten cooked or raw. You can also make jams, juice, pies, chutneys, and wine from these berries.
Samucol is also known by the names listed below:
- Arbre de Judas
- Baccae
- Baises de Sureau
- Black-Berried Alder
- Black Elder
- Boor Tree
- Bountry
- Elderberries
- Ellanwood
- Ellhorn
- European Alder
- Fruit de Sureau
- Grand Sureau
- Hautbois
- Holunderbeeren
- Sabugeuiro-negro
- Sambequier
- Sambu
- Sambuc
- Sambuci Sambucus
- Sambugo
- Sauco
- Saúco Europeo
- Schwarzer Holunder
- Seuillet
- Seuillon
- Sureau
- Sureau Noir
- Sus
- Suseau
- Sussier
Elderberries should not be confused with Elderflower, American Elder, or Dwarf Elder. These are not the same and have different effects.
Nutritional Benefits of Sambucol
There are many nutritional benefits of this berry, including the following:
- Rich in dietary fibre.
- High in Vitamin C.
- Rich in anthocyanins.
- It is an excellent source of phenolic acids and flavonols.
- High in antioxidants.
- It fights harmful bacteria.
Sambucol Uses
Sambucol is used to make medicine to treat colds and flu. People also use it in alternative medicine as a useful aid in treating constipation. Sambucol is popular as a herbal supplement. Many other uses of it have yet to be proven true. They include obesity, high cholesterol, gum, and heart disease.
Additionally, it’s not confirmed whether these berries are effective in treating medical conditions. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has not approved the medicinal use of this product. So, it’s recommended not to use it in place of the medication suggested by your doctor.
Sambucol Side Effects
Many of the side effects of consuming Sambucol have yet to be discovered. These berries are safe if you take them as directed by your healthcare provider. However, if you’re experiencing signs of allergic reactions, then consult your doctor immediately.
Some allergic reactions are difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of your lips and face, and itchy throat or tongue.
However, Elderberry can be unsafe if you consume uncooked fruit, stems, or leaves. This medicinal plant contains a harmful chemical that produces cyanide. This is why it leaves, and the unripe green fruit can be harmful. Consuming them raw can cause diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
Some common side effects of Sambucol may include the following:
- Stomach cramps.
- Runny nose.
- Vomiting.
- Nausea.
- Difficulty breathing.
Some serious side effects are as follows:
- Continuous vomiting.
- Diarrhea.
- Numbness.
- Severe dizziness, weakness, and confusion.
Note: This is not the complete list of side effects of Sambucol. If you are experiencing something more than these, call your doctor immediately.
How to Take Sambucol?
For Sambucol, take it as directed on the package label. There are also some important things to keep in mind when taking these.
- Consult your Doctor.
When consuming any herbal supplements, it’s important to consult your doctor. You can also take advice from a practitioner who is an expert in using herbal supplements. Consult your healthcare provider, pharmacist, or your doctor before taking this medicine.
- Consume the recommended dose.
Follow the recommended dose printed on the package label. Consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist to guide you.
- Avoid eating the raw form.
Raw elderberries are harmful to your body. Cooking and heating these berries completely will help to eliminate the toxic compounds. Remember to purchase this medicine from reputable brands only.
- Focus on one form of Sambucol.
Do not take different forms of elderberry at the same time. There are many forms, including liquids, pills, gummies, and more. It will result in an overdose by taking these.
- Mix It Up.
You can also mix Sambucol liquid with fruit juice, water, a smoothie, or yogurt. It will help to dilute the sour taste of these berries.
Final line
Sambucol, or Black Elderberry, is a dark purple berry from a European or Black Elder Tree. It’s a medicinal plant that works as a supplement to treat colds and flu. It also has many other benefits, including heart disease, obesity, and more. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove whether they’re true or not. Other than the benefits, these berries also have side effects. It’s recommended to consult your doctor before consuming these medicines.
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