
7 Most Relieving Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Being a girl is not easy; from tolerating mood swings to menstrual cramps, it’s too much. But we can’t do anything, right? Well, we can. There are some home remedies for menstrual cramps that actually work. They reduce cramps and also fix mood swings. Feeling uncomfortable during periods is understandable because it is not easy to bleed for five to seven days continuously. 

However, these hacks are for you if you don’t want those unbearable cramps. People don’t believe in home remedies, but I have tried them personally, so I recommend them. Let’s check out the remedies and their value in detail. 

7 Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Here are the remedies that will reduce your mood swings and make you feel fresh and energetic. Let’s check them out:

1. Exercise and Yoga

Exercise and yoga helps during periods. It reduces cramps and mood swings. A study says regular exercise, such as three days a week, can help with menstrual cramps. Besides cramps, it also reduces bloating, mood swings, fatigue, and nausea. However, exercise and yoga are important to note that heavy exercise can increase bleeding, and so can light exercise. 

Moreover, walk, do light cardio or aerobic exercise, gentle stretch, and balance. Avoid prolonged exercise. After exercising, change your underwear, use a pad or tampon, and change into fresh clothes. If you are exercising in the last days, your periods can get spottings. 

2. Avoiding these foods

You must have heard at home that you should not touch the pickle box. It is not because the pickle becomes rotten; it is because it is harmful for your health. During periods, avoid eating fatty foods, alcohol, carbonated beverages, caffeine, and salty foods. Because oestrogen levels are already high during periods, these foods contain trans fat, which contributes to raising oestrogen levels. These foods also can cause bloating and nausea. 

So, which foods should you avoid? Red meat, processed food, spicy foods, and more. Furthermore, fibrous foods such as legumes, fruits, whole grains, and more are recommended during periods. Ginger, nuts, and dark chocolate are comfort foods, and drinking water is also helpful. Avoid eating food that can cause cramps and bleeding. You can also add nuts and herbal teas to your snacks as they are healthy evening snacks

3. Apply a hot water bag

Applying a heat bag is one of the best home remedies for menstrual cramps reduction. During periods, you may feel cramps in your back and belly. But a heating bag is helpful, as heat helps reduce muscle contractions and increases blood flow. So, applying a hot water bag on your back and belly helps reduce the unbearable cramps. 

If you do not have a heating pad and hot water bag, take a bottle of hot water and apply it to your belly. In addition to hot water bags, you can also use cold therapy. It also provides relaxation to your body. You can wrap the hot water bag into a towel and then use it so that your belly gets the optimum temperature. 

4. Use essential oil for massage

If you ask me what the best thing I always want during periods is, my answer will be a good massage. Get a good massage with essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, rose, and fennel. It reduces your menstrual cramps and relaxes your body and mind. Before using the oil, consult with your doctor. 

Moreover, essential oils have side effects, such as allergic reactions, headaches, increased bleeding, seizures, and more. So, choose your oil wisely and whether it has any side effects. Keep it away from kids as it can lead to death if swallowed. 

5. Orgasm

Menstrual cramps are caused due to muscle contraction during periods. If you masturbate or have sex during periods, the muscle contraction loses and, hence, the cramps feel relieved. Sex triggers a hormone known as endorphins. It helps reduce period cramps. Moreover, sex also benefits with shorter periods, acts as natural lubrication, relieves migraine and more. 

6. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications help in reducing period cramps. You can take any over-the-counter help that reduces the prostaglandin. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are easily available on the counter and have no harmful side effects. Prostaglandin is the hormone which causes cramps. So, these medications help lower the hormone level. 

7. Avoid hair cleaning 

It might sound weird, but yes, you should avoid washing your hair during periods. Our body temperature should be high to pass out blood during periods. However, washing your hair makes your body feel relaxed, and the bleeding slowly stops. So, stop washing your hair for at least 3-5 days. 

Bottom Line

If you are looking for home remedies for reducing menstrual cramps, you are so like me. I, too, face extreme cramps during periods, and that’s when I got to know about these solutions. They are highly effective and help with menstrual cramps. You can try them personally, and they are 100% effective.

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Arushi Chaturvedi

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