
Complete Information Related to the Maryland Bridge

If you are dealing with a teeth gap problem, all you need is the Maryland Bridge. People who lose teeth between two teeth require it. With the help of the two teeth, doctors adjust the vacant one. It not only enhances the look of the face but also boosts confidence. Instead of drilling your gums, it helps the metal wings to fix the problem. 

Furthermore, fixing teeth makes your smile look more natural. I understand the pain of losing teeth, as I lost one, too. But this painless way of getting an artificial tooth permanently is the best option for me. So, if you are looking for tooth implantation, give it a try.

What is the Maryland Bridge?

What is the Maryland Bridge

Maryland Bridge is a technique for filling the gap between teeth. It fixes the gap with the help of wings and neighbor teeth. Fixing the teeth is not painful and helps enhance your smile. Moreover, with the help of a metal or porcelain framework, it bonds with the other two teeth. The teeth paired with the metal wings are false teeth. 

The bridge method does not involve grinding and drilling in the gums but attaches to teeth. However, having two natural teeth to fix the floating one is important. The other name of the Maryland Bridge is a resin-bonded bridge. It is mainly used to replace front teeth.  The Maryland Bridge dental is unsuitable for chewing something due to its weakness.

Types of Maryland Bridge

Two types of bridges exist: single-winged and double-winged. The doctors recommend a single-winged bridge, which can not break easily. Let’s see the differences:

1. Single-winged 

Single-winged bridges are bridges attached to single neighboring teeth. They do not require drilling and are easily attached. If the attached tooth becomes loose, you can feel and treat it on time. However, it requires better oral hygiene and regular cleaning with floss help. It is a cost-effective option as fixing the bridge this way is more affordable. 

2. Two-winged

Two-winged bridges are attached to the back of the teeth as designed. Doctors do not recommend this as it can be broken during chewing. Unlike single-winged bridges, the broken winges can not be felt, and food gets stuck, leading to a cavity. The solution is to remove the broken part of the bridge, and the doctor uses a strong material to fix the teeth. 


The procedure is simple, and it can be performed in any local dental clinic. It is one of the most popular methods of painlessly fixing teeth. 

1. Dentists dig in the back of the neighboring teeth of the tooth gap.

2. Clean the teeth gently. 

3. Attach the metallic wings to the back of the teeth. 

4. Fill the replacement tooth in the gap between the other two natural teeth. 

5. It is important to fix the tooth so it cannot displace with applied pressure. 

Why Do We Use the Maryland Bridge?

There are many factors in which the bridge are used:

1. It is useful for gum disease if the patient has gum tissues, bones, and fibers. It holds their teeth in place, which can lead to harmful bacteria in the teeth. A dental implant is unsuitable in this situation, so the bridge method applies. 

2. The Maryland bridge dental method is useful for replacing missing teeth in the anterior teeth, which means replacing teeth in the front of your mouth. The anterior teeth experience less pressure than the posterior teeth, making it more beneficial. The back teeth or posterior teeth are responsible for chewing food. 

3. It is the best option for children as their tooth-growing stage is ongoing. Dental implantation can harm them, so this method is suitable instead. 

Advantages and Disadvantages

Many advantages and disadvantages of the bridge are as follows:


1. The method is not painful.

2. It can be done quickly as preparation is unnecessary.

3. The method offers results instantly. 

4. Compared to other methods, this is more cost-effective and cheaper.

5. Can last more than seven years.

6. Allows them to brush their teeth and floss easily.

7. Enhances the smile. 


1. It is not useful for all teeth; posterior teeth help chew and can break due to pressure.

2. If the teeth are not cleaned properly, it can cause tooth decay. 

3. The neighboring teeth can become dark due to attachment. 

4. Bruxism (teeth grinding) patients should avoid the method. 

Final Line

If you suffer from tooth gaps, the Maryland Bridge is for you. The method is smooth and gives results quickly. It is easily available at every dental hospital; book your appointment. The price of the method is lower compared with other dental methods. Maryland Bridge disadvantages are that it can darken your teeth and cause tooth decay.

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Arushi Chaturvedi

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