
How to Write a Book? A Complete Guide For You

Have you ever thought of writing a book and then stopped thinking about how to write a book? It happens because writing requires hard work and mental energy. But once you become habitual in writing, no one can stop you from becoming a good author. Do you know what the hardest part of writing is? Take a pen and paper and start the first line. All that matters is the first word.

Furthermore, if you have a story in your mind, write it. Perfection comes with consistency, so be consistent and start your words. A writer’s journey is unique. They feel their surroundings and turn that feeling into words. Remember, your book has the potential to change a life. 

How to Write a Book? 7 Easy Steps

Here are the seven easy steps by following which you can write a book easily. So, if you are still wondering how to start writing a book, check out the steps:

1. What type of book you love?

One of the first steps is to decide what you want to write. Writing can be of different types, such as narrative, novel, poetry, biography, and more. So, choose your book type. It helps you searching ideas easily. Imagine you like writing poetry, so it would be easy for you to think about what to write. Also, think about who will like your poetry. It gives you the motivation to write better. 

Also, choosing the genre is important in book writing to fulfil readers’ expectations. The audience wants a specific book that aligns with their taste. As a writer, if you are choosing a genre, make sure the audience highly demands and that you enjoy writing about it. 

2. Outline your story

Creating the outline of your story is important because it keeps you from remembering your idea. It maintains the track and gives you more ideas to add while writing. Also, it motivates you to write more without getting bored. Imagine you are writing a book without any outline, so you may forget the idea when you take a break and start re-writing.

Furthermore, breaking a rhythm can lead to a change in the real storyline of your book. So, outline your story before starting to write it. Break your idea into pieces, which means in the form of chapters that are easy to read for readers and easy to write for you. 

3. Make a writing schedule

Make a schedule to complete the book in a particular duration, such as three or six months to a year. Write at least five to six hours a week as a beginner. This helps maintain consistency and lets you complete your book in the given time frame. A regular pattern is helpful, as if you write six hours a week, then break it into two sessions, three hours each. 

Once you start writing your story at the given time, it will keep motivate you. Regular writing does not mean completing your work on time but also improves your writing skills. It increases your focus and clarity of the context. 

4. Write your first draft

After you outline the story and set the schedule, it’s time to start your journey as a writer. Take a pen and blank paper and start writing the first paragraph. But remember, here you are not alone because blank paper makes everyone nervous, including a successful writer. So what’s important is to make yourself a reader and under what a reader must be looking for. 

Once you understand your audience, start writing and make the first line attractive. Imagine you are writing a book, and the topic is “How to write a book?” Now, write the first line in a way that entertains your audience. You can use writing tools, which are important while writing. 

5. Write without worrying about edits

Editing plays the most important role in your writing. But remember, you are a beginner, and writing should be the priority for beginners. You can edit the paragraph later, even after completing the book. So, instead of focusing on the correction, focus on the creation. And anyway, you will need something to edit, right? So, just write your content now and edit it later.

6. Avoid distractions

Close the door of your room when you start writing the book; it helps avoid distractions. Keep your phone silent once your door is closed, remember how to write a book, and recall the process. Make sure you have peace around you. It helps in maintaining the focus and flow of your story. Your mind is full of creativity, but noise and social media can be the biggest distractions, so cut them off when you are creative. 

7. Get feedback from your people

No one can point out your mistakes better than your loved ones. So, whatever you have written in your book, take feedback. If they are pointing out the mistakes, then improve it. They help you find blind spots and correct them. 

If you think you are a professional writer and have no blind spots, you are wrong. Even the most successful writers make mistakes while writing. So, feedback is important. Remember, everything happens for a reason, if you grabbed the opportunity of writing, you must make the mistake. However, what’s more important is to find the mistakes and resolve them. 

Bottom Line

After reading the above-mentioned paragraphs, your question about how to write a book must be answered. Writing is an art that only requires creativity; if you are creative enough to write a book, start it now. So, cut the “how-to” from “how to start writing a book” and start writing a book.

Arushi Chaturvedi

I'm an enthusiastic content writer who makes information interesting and easy to understand. I can write any topic from sports to technology and make it fun to read. Also good at using internet to make sure people can find my writing easily. If you reach here and still reading, I am your person.

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