
What are the Most Interesting Facts About Japan?

Nobody can deny that Japan is one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. Other than technological advancements, there are so many facts about Japan that you should know. Japan’s history, culture, and traditions are eye-catching, and once you visit Japan, you will want to spend your whole life there alone. 

Moreover, the country is popular because of its traditions and events. We all work for the quality of life that the country already has. From ancient culture to innovations, Japan is leading the world everywhere. It is a country where you can live a stress-free life. Let’s check out some of the Japanese facts:

12 Most Interesting Japan Facts

Japan has the best quality of life in the world, but what if I say Japan has so many more things than we can imagine? Shocking? So take a look at the given content:

1. Oldest company in the world

Japan has one of the oldest companies in the world, Kongo Gumi. It is a construction company founded in 578 A.D. It worked for over 1445 years. According to the Guinness Book Records, other than the Kongo Gumi, Japan has the oldest hotels, too. The name of the hotel is Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan. 

2. Zipper-producing country

Japan produces the world’s most zippers. If your pants have a zipper (Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha). It is a company founded in Tokyo in 1934. Japan is already leading in terms of technology and also in zipping production. 

3. Cannot shout publicly

Japan is a country that is very dedicated to its rules. In Japan, people cannot shout publicly; even holding hands in public is not preferred. If you shout publicly, you break the rule and may be imprisoned for six months. To gain experience, you should visit Japan, one of the cheapest travel destinations. 

4. Trees can be shifted to another place

Japan does not support deforestation. To construct roads or houses, the government shifts trees from one place to another. This protects the trees and allows the area to be used for the required purposes. 

5. Japan provides a mobile sanitisation system

If you visit a restaurant and must wash your hands, you will also get a phone sanitisation system. While washing your hands, you need to put your phone in the sanitisation system, which will be sanitised within two minutes. However, you must know about this fact because Japan is not an underrated travel destination.

6. Leading in importing coffee

Japan is a leader in importing coffee. It imports 80% more coffee than the Jamaican whole year’s production. Japan is the fourth largest coffee production company in the world. This is one of the best Japan facts. 

7. World’s largest fish market 

The country once had the world’s largest fish market, Tsukiji Fish Market. It was popular for its tuna auctions and wholesale fish and seafood. However, it is not leading because a small portion has been transferred to Toyosu. 

8. Motion doors

Japan has motion doors that open according to a person’s height and width. The person has to stand in front of the doors, which automatically open and can move from them. 

9. After handwashing, you can reuse the water

Japanese use hand-washed water in the toilet as a flush. They attach the handwash sink to the toilet to re-use the water themselves. However, the water is non-portable. Other than handwashing water, they also use bathing water in flush. It is one of the best ways to save water. 

10. Slurping noodles is a good thing

Slurping noodles is rude in the world, but in Japan, doing this is a sign of enjoying your meal. You can make food that is easy to cook in the shops. According to Japanese, slurping adds flavours to your food. It is one of the best facts about Japan. 

11. 80% above land are mountains

Over 80% of Japan’s land is in the mountains. It also has over 100 active volcanoes and 10% of all active volcanoes worldwide. This is one of Japan’s most interesting facts, making it globally popular. 

12. Over 1500 earthquake hits Japan 

Japan experiences more than 1500 earthquakes every year. The country lies in the “Pacific Ring of Fire,” which means it is in the region where three tectonic plains connect. However, the Japanese do not feel anything because of their advanced technology.

Bottom Line

Japan is a leading country in terms of technology. Some of the most interesting facts about Japan are that its people contribute to its growth. Other than those mentioned above, the country has more facts that make It unique. Their tradition, culture, and food make the country popular.

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Arushi Chaturvedi

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