
Facts Behind Everything Happens For A Reason Theory

There is one of the well-known saying that we often say to console ourselves or others in difficult situations. This is “everything happens for a reason”. I use this quote in many situations and there are many instances when I look back and find that things happened right. It was just that I was not able to realize and see the bigger picture then.

Human Beings tend to associate logic and reason; there are four logics that are often associated with the “everything happens for a reason” theory:

  1. Cause and Effect Theory
  2. The Greater Purpose Theory
  3. God’s Plan Theory

The Karma or Cause and Effect Theory

Karma theory is one of the most simple and popular ones. People say what you do to others comes back to you. While, understand it as a cycle. And when you are facing a difficult situation or enjoying good times it is because of your karma.

The Greater Purpose Theory

Moreover, I can recollect many instances when I felt bad in a situation, but years later, when I look back, I realize it was worth it. For example, I failed a competitive exam, and at that time, I blamed my luck. However, when I look back, I realize that had I not failed that exam, I would have never discovered my true passion which was writing.

The God’s Will Theory 

Religion believes that God is all mighty, all-knowing and nothing happens without his will. And if things happen according to God’s will, he never does wrong to anyone. Additionally, Everything is written, and it happens according to that.

Everything Happens for a Reason Quote

  1. “if a door closed…. what was behind it wasn’t meant for you.” ― Mandy Hale
  2. When you feel so down in this world, just remember that everything happens for a reason, boy.
  3. Everything happens for a reason. It’s all a learning process… you have to go from one level to another. -Mike Tyson
  4. We are all part of the universe and sometimes our destinies entangle with each other, really.
  5. We just have to trust in a higher being when our life is in a mess, that there is a reason for it.
  6. When some things happen to you, like when a door closes up, may you know it wasn’t for you.
  7. “Every cloud has a silver lining.” – Unknown
  8. “Every experience, good or bad, is a lesson learned.” – Unknown
  9. “Sometimes, things fall apart for better things can fall together.” – Unknown
  10. “There is a plan for your life, and it’s all part of God’s timing.” – Unknown
  11. “Trust in the universe. Everything happens for a reason.” – Unknown
  12. “Everything happens for a reason, even if you don’t see it yet.” – Unknown
  13. “There is a purpose behind every pain.” – Unknown
  14. “The best things in life are often unexpected.” – Unknown
  15. “Every ending is a new beginning.” – Unknown
  16. “Believe in the power of the universe.” – Unknown
  17. “Trust that the universe has your back.” – Unknown
  18. “Every challenge is an opportunity for growth.” – Unknown
  19. “The universe is always working in your favour.” – Unknown
  20. “Believe in the power of positivity.” – Unknown

The Bottom Line

It is believed that everything has a purpose. Call it God’s plan, Karma or looking for a greater purpose; the human mind is created in a way that it looks for purpose and logic in everything. Our mind is powered by the ability to connect several incidents and try to draw meaningful connections out of them. We often look back on our hard times and try to connect them to the present time or other incidents that happened later.

We can’t say that “everything happpens for a reason” is true rather we human beings are in an habit to thing that way.

Also read about: Learn Ways to Live Your Best Life Without Worrying About Things

Divya Stuti

Divya Stuti is a UGC-awarded researcher, writer, poet, and Digital Marketer. She has published multiple poems and short stories- "Pain", and "No Guess" and also contributed to poetry compilations- “Scribbled Perception” and DAFFODILS. She can write technical as well as non-technical contents and optimize them with best SEO practices.

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