
Healthy and Tasty Homemade Energy Bar Recipe

Energy bars are one of the best quick and healthy snacks, containing many nutrients. They are filled with carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Have you ever tried any energy bar recipe for making it at home? If not, give it a try. However, the packed protein bar may contain colours that are not healthy. Instead, make your healthy and tasty energy bar at home. 

Furthermore, these energy bars are the best if you are looking to improve your protein intake. It is best if you are choosing a healthy option. It is best for munching purposes. As the name says, it is one of the best energy sources. It should be in your bag if you are a gym freak or an athlete. 

What is the Energy Bar?

Energy bars are a mixture of natural ingredients such as honey, dry fruits, fruits, milk, and more. They contain useful ingredients such as carbohydrates, protein, and fats. If you are an athlete, these energy bars are beneficial for you. It is a quick high-protein snack, which is important for muscle building. 

However, protein bars come in different forms, including texture, flavour, and ingredients. You can make it easily by following the energy bar recipe. The bar includes different ingredients if you want to make it in India.

The energy bar ingredients list in India includes: 

  • Oat flour
  • Seeds
  • Honey
  • Nuts
  • Moringa extract 
  • Cocoa powder
  • Jaggery
  • Butter
  • Ghee
  • Brown rice crisps

Benefits of Energy Bar

The energy bar has many benefits, and it is important to note that it benefits not only the gym freaks but everyone. Let’s check its benefits:

1. It is one of the best snacks if you are looking for weight management. The energy bar is best for weight loss. It is low in calories but rich in fibre and makes you feel full for a long period. The best thing about the energy bar is that it is low in sugar and high in protein. 

2. The energy bar contains vitamins B and E, the best energy sources. It also contains calcium and iron, which strengthen bones. However, the energy bar contains dry fruits, which makes you feel full. 

3. Energy bars are best for people with a hustle and bustle life. They replenish drained energy and recharge you. They benefit athletes, gym people, corporate workers, and more. If you want to cut out some fat, eat them. 

4. Many energy bars are beneficial for diabetic patients. The energy bar contains no palm oil or sugar content; it is made with honey or natural sugar. So, you should eat it regularly if you have diabetes. 

Homemade Energy Bar Recipe 

Here are the recipes for making energy bars at home. They are easy to prepare, take less time, and have fewer ingredients. So, let’s check them out. 

Energy Bar Recipe 1 


  • Rolled oats
  • Dried cranberries (such as Craisins)
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Chocolate chips
  • Toasted sesame seeds
  • Oat bran
  • Flax seeds
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Salt
  • Peanut butter
  • Honey
  • Olive oil
  • Milk 


  • Roast oats, cranberries, Sunflower seeds, chocolate chips, sesame seeds, bran, Flax seeds, cinnamon, and salt, mixing well. Add them to a bowl.
  • Put peanut butter, honey, and olive oil in it and mix it. 
  • Make shapes and add them to the baker for baking. 

Energy Bar Recipe 2


  • Oats
  • Chocolate chips
  • Ground flax meal
  • Peanut butter
  • Honey
  • Vanilla extract
  • Salt


  • Combine oats, chocolate chips, ground flax meal, peanut butter, honey, vanilla extract, and salt in a bowl. 
  • Make shapes and refrigerate the mixture. 
  • Later, bake it for crispness. 

Best Energy Bars in India

  • Mojo bar
  • Flat Tummies
  • Yoga Bar
  • Max Protein Bar
  • EAT Bars
  • HYP Protein Bar
  • MuscleBlaze

Side-effects of Energy Bar

You should be aware of some major side effects of energy bars.

1. Many energy bars contain artificial sweeteners, which are harmful to the body and can cause many diseases. Instead of eating the packed bars, make them at home. 

2. High sugar content can cause diabetes, so choose your energy bar wisely. 

3. They slowly absorb because of carbohydrates, which is not helpful if you want instant energy.

4. They take time to eat because they are chewable, which makes them slow to swallow. 

5. The energy bar becomes soft if you put it in a hot area. Similarly, the ingredients fall when you open the packet. 

Bottom Line

Energy bars are effective when made at home. The energy bar recipe is easy to follow and requires few yet highly nutritious ingredients. You can make it easy at home as it takes less ingredients. Furthermore, energy bars have many benefits that make them healthier. There are many energy bars on the market.

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Arushi Chaturvedi

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