
Learn About Chair Yoga, its Types, and Benefits

Yoga is important for our health as it relaxes the mind and body. But have you ever heard the term Chair Yoga? If not, today, you will learn everything about it. This yoga is something that anyone can do, from children to old age. In this yoga, you simply take a chair and pose differently. It is similar to the normal yoga but with the help of a chair. 

Moreover, sitting yoga is beneficial if you spend a lot of time sitting. It is a modified version of ordinary yoga, especially for people who can not stand or have mobility problems. Let’s check out the best chair yogas that are beneficial for stiff muscles and provide relaxation to the body. 

What is Chair Yoga?

Chair Yoga is a type of yoga done while sitting in a chair. It is specially created for people with mobility problems. This yoga is best if you are looking to improve posture and balance and increase mobility. Lakshmi Voelker originated this sitting yoga in 1982. She got the idea when one of her students had an arthritis problem and could not move. 

Moreover, even doctors recommend sitting yoga for better mobility. People who sit for a long time can do this pose, as it is effective for the body. This yoga requires twists, stretches, bends, and more like ordinary yoga. 

Benefits of Chair Yoga

Some of the benefits of the sitting yoga are given below:

  • Improves Flexibility and Strength
  • Reduces body pain
  • Relaxes the body
  • Reduces body fat
  • Improves heart rate and sugar level
  • Helps in digestion
  • Maintains posture 
  • Improves stability

Types of Chair Yoga

Many types of sitting yoga and their benefits help you improve posture and balance. Let’s check out some of the poses.  

1. Cow Pose (Bitilasana)

Cow Pose is a yoga pose that improves posture and flexibility. It also helps reduce stress and back pain. If you have regular back pain, try the pose for 2-3 weeks. 

To make the pose, follow the below steps:

  • Take a long breath and return to the position.
  • Sit calmly on a chair.
  • Put both your hands on the thighs.
  • Stretch your back and look upward (make your spine stretch and curve).
  • Your chin should be closer to your chest.

2. Camel Pose (Bitilasana)

Camel Pose is beneficial for full-body stretching and one of the best chair yoga for belly fat. It helps stretch the body muscles, maintain posture, reduce lower back pain, and aid digestion. It also reduces thigh fat and gives the body shape.

To make the pose, follow the below steps:

  • Sit on the chair and lay the back of the body on the chair support. 
  • Hold the legs of the chair with your hands.
  • Make a curve with the spine and inhale.
  • Lift the chin and the collarbone out.
  • After making the pose, exhale and return to the same position. 

3. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

Happy Baby Pose is one of the best chair yoga exercises. It is beneficial for reducing back pain, spine stretching, stress anxiety, and more. It also maintains the heart rate and helps reduce belly fat. 

To make the pose, follow the below steps:

  • Sit on the edge of the chair. 
  • Keep the feet apart at some distance.
  • Touch the calf muscles with the palms and stretch them.
  • Keep your belly between your thighs. 
  • Inhale, breathe, and hold. 
  • Slowly return to the same position and exhale. 

4. Chair Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

Chair Pigeon is an easy exercise that helps stretch the front body, including the ankles, thighs, groins, abdomen, chest, and throat. It also improves posture and balance and strengthens the back muscles. It is one of the best chair yoga for belly fat removal. 

To make the pose, follow the below steps:

  • Sit on a chair with the right ankle on the left thigh.
  • Hold your ankle and bend in the front and then back.
  • Repeat the process ten times.
  • Return to the same position. 

5. Half Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Half Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana) is one of the best chair yoga exercises. It is beneficial for the spine and stretches the whole body at once. If you have lower back pain, then this exercise is helpful. It improves posture and stability. 

To make the pose, follow the below steps:

  • Sit on the side of the chair. 
  • Now, put the right leg over the left one in criss-cross format.
  • Turn the body to the right side for stretching. 
  • Hold the chair support with both of the hands.
  • Return to the same position. 

Bottom Line

Chair yoga exercises help with stability and improve mobility. You stretch your body and make poses that benefit it. Some of the best chair yoga for belly fat reduction are happy baby poses, cow poses, and more. The yoga is beneficial for many reasons, such as reducing body fat, improving heart rate and sugar level, helping digestion, and maintaining posture.

Also Read About: Power Yoga: Step-By-Step Beginners’ Guide

Arushi Chaturvedi

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