
Borderline Personality Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Have you ever felt fear inside you, such as fear of abundance that leads to mood change and impulsive behaviour? It is all a symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder. It is a type of mental health condition where people question themselves and behave weirdly. People who face this disorder may look at themselves in an unhealthy way. 

Furthermore, in this condition, you slowly lose the things you do or act. The people feel extreme levels of fear of being alone or abandoned. Even if they are living in a happy and healthy relationship, they end up getting mood swings and anger. However, the condition is rare to find. You are on the right page if you have this disorder and want to learn more about it. 

What is the Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental condition in which people fear being abandoned, which leads to mood swings and excessive anger. In this condition, the person cannot control their emotions and show impulsive and harmful behaviour, which can negatively impact the relationships. People with this condition have difficulty managing their emotions. 

Moreover, it is also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD). The patient indulges in harmful and risky activities. However, it also increases the risk of attempting suicide. The symptoms develop early, such as when teenagers are growing up. Almost every teenager faces the problem of BDP when they reach adulthood. 

Furthermore, people with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and others can catch the disorders. It especially affects the people who have a family history of BDP. However, only 1.4% of people are affected by Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder

Here are some of the symptoms of BPD, which is important to know if you are feeling that you have this order. 

1. Fear of abandonment

In this condition, people fear abandonment, even if they live healthy lives with their loved ones. During this, the person continuously stops people from leaving and becomes aggressive. They regularly stalk their loved ones. They feel like people emotionally abandon them. 

2. Unstable relationships

Due to their behavioural changes, they sometimes feel like the person is perfect for them. However, the next moment, they dislike the person. They regularly change their point of view towards their people and reflect dual personalities. 

3. Unstable self image

People with BDP have the fear of self-doubt. They regularly change their goals, friends, and careers. The person feels bad and negatively creates different images of themselves. However, it harms them as they continuously feel guilty and ashamed. 

4. Rapid mood change

It is noticeable that those with the disorder may change their mood in seconds. They can become happy, sad, arrogant, rude and cry easily for no reason. However, the mood swings can disturb them for some moments, hours, and days.  

5. Impulsive and Suicidal Behaviour

People with BDP may sometimes show suicidal behaviour. They can cut, burn, and hurt themselves intentionally. However, they do this due to rejection. Mainly, they do this to gain attention from the people. Impulsive behaviour can lead to fighting, gambling, unsafe sex and more. 

6. Difficulty in anger management

Anger management is difficult for people with this disorder. However, they use silly reasons to manage anger, such as cracking bad jokes and intentionally hurtful sarcasm. They do this due to shame or guilt. 

Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder

People who have Borderline Personality Disorder have several reasons that lead to this condition:

1. Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma is one of the biggest reasons behind BDP. In childhood, when a person faces a situation such as sexual abuse, mental abuse, mother or parent separation faces the disorder. This is the major reason behind BDS and is found in more than 70% of people. 

2. Genetics

The main reason behind BDP is family history. It may be caused genetically, meaning it transfers from gene to gene. It is not dependent on genetics but can be transferred from our parents to our genes. 

3. Environmental effects

Environmental effects are the minor reasons behind this disorder. It is caused due to traumatic life such as abuse, harassment, and more. This causes a person to behave toxic and leads to the disorder. 

Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder

If you have Borderline Personality Disorder, then it is important to know that it can be treated. Here are some of the treatments for BDP, such as:

1. Psychotherapy 

Psychotherapy is also known as talk therapy. In this therapy, a patient consults with a doctor. Doctors give therapy by taking sessions, which make a person feel better in a few months. During the therapy, the doctor talks to the person and asks them to share their thoughts and feelings. The doctor provides therapies that people apply in their lives. 

Many types of Psychotherapy:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

2. Medications 

Medication should be avoided during the condition. However, if your psychiatrist recommends medication, only buy it. Do not take any medicine without a prescription to treat the disorder, as it has severe side effects. Instead of taking medicine, prioritise Psychotherapy. 

Bottom Line 

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental illness which has harmful effects. In this condition, a person faces the fear of abandonment, unstable relationships and self-image, mood changes and impulsive and abusive thoughts such as suicide. However, treatment is possible in two ways: Psychotherapy and Medication.

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Arushi Chaturvedi

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